
Kategori: General

Hi everybody and welcome to my blog!
As many of you know I have a youtube channel, where I talk about my life with Moebius Syndrome and my thoughts on it and that kind of things. I've been thinking I would make a blog as well, seeing as I don't always have the time to make videos. So here it is! ;)
So here I will probably write more like everyday things and thoughts, about moebius.
I know everything (except for what I'm writing) is in Swedish but I'm gonna try to change that.
But some words to help you:
Kommentarer = comments (click it to write a comment)
Skicka = send
Vem är jag = who am I
Senaste inläggen = most recent posts
Kategorier = categories
Arkiv = archive
Welcome and I hope you'll follow my blog ^^


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