Moebius Syndrome Awareness hero

Kategori: Me

Today, on December 15, I am one of the Moebius Syndrome Awareness heroes. Every year they have one or two people that are Awareness Heroes, every day from November through to the Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day on the 24th of January. I guess it's because all of us with Moebius are able to see each other and a kind of "you are not alone "-thing :) And also getting to know each other, since there are people from all around the world, there. It's always fun to be the Moebius Syndrome Awareness hero, 'cause you always get that little bit of extra attention ;)
I thought "in honor of the day" I would share my story with you. Or rather my story up until about two years ago, about one year after my surgery. I wrote this as a project in school, in England. We had to write a short essay, about a page long. And yeah, heh, mine got a little longer than that and that is still after having left out a lot of details, I wore only the most important parts. Some day I'll make it longer, telling you my enire story.

The Smile Surgery


Once upon a time there was a mother giving birth to her child. The doctor told her and the father that it was a girl. As any other parents, they were extremely happy and loved their child very much. They named her Caroline.


Time went on and  Caroline’s parents waited with excitement for their daughter’s first smile. But it never came.


They took her to the doctor and when she was around one year old, she was diagnosed with a very rare condition called Mobius Syndrome.


In Caroline’s case it was very mild and she would not be affected by it much. Although she had a double-sided facial paralysis and would therefore never be able to move her eyebrows, nose and never smile.


As Caroline grew up, she became more and more aware of her condition. She asked her parents about it and when she was eight, she realised she would not be able to smile unless she had the so called “Smile Surgery”.


I remember exactly where I was when I realised this and exactly how I felt. Being only eight years old and realising something like that is devastating.


In school we used to ask each other what we would wish for if we were given three wishes to come true and one of mine was always to be able to smile.


I was so ashamed of not being able to smile. As soon as I laughed, I placed my hand in front of my mouth, so that no one could see it.


One day, in my very early teenage-years, I was searching the internet and came across a website that said “The Swedish Mobius Syndrome Association”. I showed it to my family and a short while later we had become members of the association.


When we went to the annual gathering, for the first time, I was so excited to meet others like me, because I had never done so before.


There was a lecturer there, talking about the smile surgery and I started believing it was actually possible.


On the annual gathering the following year my parents and I were talking to a parent of another child with Mobius Syndrome, who had had the smile surgery done. It turned out that she and I had the same doctor as children and that through her, she had been able to get a letter of referral to a surgeon who performed the surgery.


I knew it would be a several year long process, to get the surgery, with paperwork being handled very slowly and all but I did not care, I wanted that surgery. I asked my father to contact the doctor we had been talking about.


I got an appointment with her, after several months. We talked a bit about why I wanted the surgery done, how it would improve my life, how it had been growing up with Mobius Syndrome and so on. She told me she would give me a letter of referral to a surgeon.


I was back to waiting and after having waited for nearly six months, my father called my doctor again and it turned out she had forgot to send the papers to the surgeon. Another few months went by and I got a letter that said that I had an appointment with the surgeon Birgit Stark.


When the day of my appointment arrived I was very anxious to find out if I would get the surgery or not. After talking to her I realised that I would get it, because she had been talking about the surgery, how they would to it and things like that.


I met with my surgeon several times the following months and one day she told me that she would contact a French surgeon, who was a specialist in this kind of surgery. Contacting him took yet another couple of months.


And then finally a sunny day in May 2010, I received one of the best letters I ever have received. I opened it and it said that on the 11th of October I would have my surgery. To even try to describe how extremely happy I was at that moment is impossible.


I had my girlfriend at the time, next to me and I just grabbed her and started jumping with joy and then I jumped around the house for a while. I could not believe I had a time and date for my surgery. In just five months, my dream would come through.


Time passed and all of a sudden it was the day before my surgery. It was time to go to the hospital. The surgery would be very early in the morning, so they wanted me to come in the night before to get prepared; draw the markings and such on my head and face.


Once there I got some food and later I met the French surgeon, who had flown to Sweden just for me.


After just a few hours of sleep it was time to wake up, take a shower with a special kind of soap and get dressed. When I had done so, I was taken up to the recovery room to wait for someone to come and get me. I was given a pair of very long socks and after putting them on I was lead into the operating room.


It was a very strange feeling, walking into a room where you know your life will be changed dramatically. I lied down on the surgery table and they put a warm blanket over me. They gave me a shot, containing what I can only assume was the thing that would make me fall asleep because I remember them asking me if I was feeling sleepy, and I did. I felt a bit drowsy and I know I was thinking something similar to “I’m going to fall asleep soon”.


The next thing I remember is waking up, after what seemed to be only a minute but was in fact six hours later, being in pain and feeling very nauseated. The nurse gave me some medicine to ease the pain and a few minutes later my parents stepped into the room. They were shocked when they saw me. I was very swollen in my entire face and I had a bandage around my head which was as big as a football.


I had to stay at the hospital for a few days and then I was told to stay home for a few weeks.


It is today just a little bit over a year ago, since my surgery and my life has changed and especially improved very much. I have grown a lot the past year and with that I have learned a lot about myself.


Going through pain, nausea and so on – it was all worth it, without a doubt.


Even though not being able to properly smile yet, without it looking weird, I am so happy I did it. Just the fact that I am now able move my cheeks, is more than I could ever dream of. This is really a dream come true.


The night before. Pretty as always ;)
Just a few hours after my surgery. Wide awake but to tired to have my eyes open but inable to sleep

About 1-2 weeks after the sugery. The swelling didn't go away until about six months later
This is me today, a few minutes ago, with my face resting. Ignore the oh so pretty hair- do ;)
Me today smiling. I'm still not happy with how I look when smileing and I'm not really comftrable doing it in pictures. But Just the fact that my now my cheeks are moving when I speak, makes it all worth it.
Thank you for reading my story. Feel free to spread it, to hel spread awareness!


Who am I? - Introduction

Kategori: Me

So now that I have this blog up and running and functioning pretty much the way I want it (I might make some changes, who knows) I thought I would make an introduction about myself, so you'd get to know me better. I'm probably gonna make a post or probably a video (which I will post here as well) on like "my jurney" with Moebius. But just a quick introdution:
My name is Caroline Håkanson, many of you probably know me from facebook or youtube.
I am 20 years old and I come from Stockholm, Sweden. Although I don't live in Stockholm at the moment, because I'm studying to to become a social worker, up in the North of Sweden.
My dream is to work with teenagers, starting out as a welfare officer but I am also a bit interesten in working as a welfare officer with cancer patients, or work at the migration board (I don't know if that's the right word for it. I looked it up and that's what it said anyway - but with imigrants pretty much anyway) to help people who come here to get a better life (if they come from somewhere where it was bad) and I'm also a bit intereseted in working with people with addiction to drugs and alcohol. So yeah, as you see I haven't really made up my mind yet - but that's the beauty with being/becoming a social worker, that you have such a wide range of occupations to choose from. But as I said the dream is to work with teenagers, so that is probably what I will start out with.
I am diagnosed with Moebius Syndrome (for you who don't know what that is click here) and I got the diagnosis when I was about one year old, so for me it's never been a question of "what do I have?". It's more been "how can I learn more and educate others" and that's where my youtube channel come in to the picture.
I started the channel because I wanted to spread the awareness of Moebius Syndrome and also I wanted to get to knwo others with it, because in Sweden we aren't that many. I think we are about 100-200 and I have met maybe 10-15 of those.
So yeah, I started it as a way of spreading awareness, getting to know others and to get my story out there. And I never ever could have guessed how much beautiful things I would get out of it. I have gotten so many amazing messages, e-mails and such from people saying that I've helped them, that I have mangaged to take their worries away (this has mostly been from parents with kids who have moebius, that have been worried about their kids future) and they can see that their kids will have a good and happy life, I have gotten questions, I have through youtube been contacted by both a student from Spain who was doing a research on Moebius and asked me to be a part of her work by interwieving me, via skype and I have been contacted by a speech therapist from Scotland that asked me to answer a few questions that her patient, who was doing the same surgery I had done two years earlier and so much more.
But I've also met so many beautful people. Some through youtube but most of them when I found the facebook groups.
But one of the most amazing things that have happended thanks to me having Moebius is that I got to meet many of these wonderful people this summer, at the big Moebius conference! I am forever grateful for the Swedish Moebius foundation who gave me that opportunity. That conference was the three single best days of my life this far. I have met other moebians before, here in Sweden but meeting so many of you guys, from all around the world, it was so increadible. And here in Sweden there is (as far as I know) no moebian around my age. Most of them are very young (kids) and the others are like 25+ (I'm 20). So the fact that I got to meet people my age, with the same thing as me, it's indescribable, it was just so increadible. And also, to meet many of the Moebians I have seen on youtube and such, and some of them I even look up to, that was really cool. E.g Tim Smith (who I use to call Mr Moebius - since he is the founder of the facebook groups and themanyfacesofmoebiussundrome-website, and Kevin Smant, Matt (oh no I can't rememter his last name at the moment!) ... It was to me so increadible. And all of the nice comments I got there, from people who had seen me on youtube - wow! I'm not gonna ramle on about this too much because I'm making a video/post on it later.

Me, Tim Smith and my wonderful friend (who I went on this trip with) Karin <3
Wow ok, I said a short introduction. Hm, I'm gonna try to wrap it up.
So I'm Caroline, 20 years old, pretty much always known about Moebius (fom the age that I was able to fully grasp the situation), live in a town of 60 000 people up in the North of Sweden, called Östersund. I have a mother, a father, a sister, a cat and some fish. Will in three yeras time be working with my dream, make youtube videos, dream of help making the world into a better place, want to spread the awareness of Moebius Syndrome. Really really want to be able to go to the next Moebius conference (hopefully as a speaker ;) )... hm what else. Hah, there's so much more but I guess I'll take that some other time.

Feel free to leave a comment or ask anything - I'm here to help :)